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Film Slate Marker





Nick Brokaw is a filmmaker born and raised in Los Angeles. His family runs four generations deep in the entertainment industry in the representation and management fields. Nick is the first generation to be hands-on within the film production industry. A fan of classic cinema and the true auteur directors, Nick's passion for film solidified as he spent his youth exploring the medium; constantly filming from the age of eleven onwards. Since graduation from film school with a degree in Cinematic Arts- emphasis in Film Production, he has worked on independent films as well as been employed freelance by 40+ Los Angeles-based production companies in TV and commercials. Nick established and operates Napesni Motion Pictures in which he has been producing several projects including a multi-national native american-centric western entitled "Four Winds," shot on 35mm film with classic 2-perf cameras and is developing an episodic series of the same nature.




Writer and Producer trying to get as many scripts made as possible. "If you want to be a filmmaker, you must make a film" - Tom Hanks

I also have no idea what the "rules" of Hollywood are, so I will just keep asking until I get a no. Then I start it all over again.



Sound Editor/ Producer

Christian | Grammy x Dove x Stellar Award Winning Producer | Composer | Cleveland



Lead Actor/ Producer

Jerry Wolf is a writer, producer and actor based out of Los Angeles. The next generation of Native Americans in entertainment, Jerry learned to first love acting watching his father Larry Sellers work as a series regular on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, shot just minutes from his hometown of Malibu, California at historic Paramount Ranch. His mother Susie Duff worked on over 65 national commercials as an actress, and as a veteran of Broadway and New York theater she instilled within Jerry an appreciation for the artistry of performance.
After graduating from Brown University in 2009 with an interdisciplinary degree in Development Studies, Jerry pursued a professional baseball career in Oklahoma until the seemingly inescapable calling of the industry brought about his return to Los Angeles in 2010 to co-author, produce and star in Four Winds.
Making his debut as a principal character in the Princess Grace Award winning short film Derby Kings (2012), Jerry has been working in Los Angels with Ford Models since 2012, has trained at Warner Laughlin studios and is represented by Stone Village Management. The premiere of Four Winds at Cannes is indicative of what obliged Jerry to pursue a career in entertainment; writing, producing and acting in projects contributing to historical and cross cultural dialogues on the international stage. In collaboration with Nick Brokaw the two have established Napesni Motion Pictures, releasing Four Winds in association with Multivision Entertainment, the first of many progressive and provocative projects to come.



Director of Photography/ Editor

Tyler Aryai Productions LLC, I am a DP, Director, Filmmaker, Editor, and Photographer. I am able to turn any vision into a masterpiece.

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